The MALL President appoints the committee chairpersons and assigns the committee members. The Executive Board oversees the association’s committees with dedicated liaisons as outlined in the Committee Organizational Chart.
Charge: The Archives Committee is charged to gather, organize, index, and preserve all materials pertinent to the MALL organization.
Term: 2 years
Chair: Erica Nutzman
Awards, Grants, and Scholarships
Charge: The Awards, Grants and Scholarships Committee solicits applications and then selects and presents the awards, grants, and scholarships for the association.
Term: 2 years
Chair: Shannon Stoneking
Charge: The Diversity and Inclusion Committee works closely with the Education Committee to promote diversity initiatives and goals.
Term: 2 years
Chair: Ally Ososki
Charge: The Vice President chairs the Education Committee, and he or she works closely with the President to determine the number of meetings and programs to be held during the year. The committee establishes a schedule of events and decides upon the content of the programs to be presented. The committee members make the necessary arrangements to provide suitable locations and presentations.
Term: 1 year
Chair: Alison Shea
Charge: The Government Relations Committee acts as liaison with the Government Relations Committee of AALL in order to inform MALL members on national issues relating to government information policies and government actions that affect libraries. The committee also serves to monitor state and local issues of importance and report on them to the AALL Government Relations Committee and to the members of MALL.
Term: 2 years
Chair: Andrea Fraser
Charge: MALL Meet Up is responsible for planning and hosting smaller, informal get-togethers to allow for the open exchange of ideas and communication of issues facing law libraries.
Term: 1 year
Chair: Katie Baratto
Charge: The Membership Committee is responsible for maintaining an up-to-date list of members, announcing new members in the MALL Newsletter, and collecting dues.
Term: 2 years
Chair: Allie Sanford
Charge: The Newsletter Committee is responsible for planning, designing, producing, and publicizing the Association's electronic newsletter. Issue dates are determined by the Newsletter editors. The mission is to provide the readership with an enjoyable and readable newsletter that promotes MALL's goals and activities.
Term: 2 years
Chair: Valerie Salazar
Charge: The Placement/Recruitment Committee serves as a liaison between employers and those interested in reviewing position announcements. The committee maintains contact with area colleges and university library and information management programs for recruitment purposes.
Term: 2 years
Chair: Susan Trombley
Charge: The mission of the Public Relations Committee is to publicize MALL activities and to act as a support mechanism for MALL and its individual committee functions.
Term: 2 years
Chair: Karen Westwood
Charge: The Website Committee is responsible for updating and maintaining the association’s website.
Term: 2 years
Co-chairs: Renae Johnson & Scott Uhl