2023 MALL Spring Meeting
May 19th, 2023
University of Minnesota Law School
Meeting Schedule
8:00 8:45 9:00 10:00 11:15 12:00 1:30 2:30 3:30
4:30 | Breakfast & Registration Opening Remarks Gray Matter(s) - live broadcast of the Gray Matter(s) podcast, answering the question 'What was the most interesting legal research question of the week?', followed by Q&A. Past episodes on YouTube.
SALI Legal Industry Standards - standardized metadata language for describing legal matters. Click Here to learn more about the standard.
MALL Business Meeting Lunch MCRO: The Evolution of Online Access to Minnesota Court Records - State Court Administration staff will discuss the development and use of the MCRO system
Recent Diversity Issues - three articles on recent diversity topics will be summarized and discussed in small groups. Articles will be available to attendees prior to the conference.
Westlaw Precision - behind the features - how does this new tool work and how can it work for your patrons
Closing Remarks Rare Books Center Tour - Ryan Greenwood, Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections, will offer a tour of the current Riesenfeld Rare Books Center exhibit on the history of legal education. |
Sponsored by Parking and Directions Information is available at the following link: https://law.umn.edu/about/parking-directions Parking at the University of Minnesota Law School costs $13 for the day. |